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http://gigapan.org/gigapans/48492: In Dubai, prins cu fapta-n mână 😀
via 9gag
Cine se trezeşte de dimineaţă râde mai bine
http://gigapan.org/gigapans/48492: In Dubai, prins cu fapta-n mână 😀
via 9gag
…pe dinafară 🙂 Nerecomandat celor cu rău de înălţime.
Nu, Dubai-ul are nişte probleme cu canalizarea:
Down on the beach next to the Dubai Offshore Sailing Club and the fishing harbour there’s a stink: raw sewage is flowing into the sea close to prime tourist beaches.
The putrid problem is caused by the illegal dumping of untreated sewage in Dubai’s inland storm drain network, as the city’s rapid growth outstrips its infrastructure.
At Dubai’s only sewage treatment plant there are long queues and serious delays.
Galerie foto: Dubai sewage dumping row
Câteva cifre:
818 metri înălțime
161 etaje
vizibil pe o rază de 95 km
57 de ascensoare
1044 apartamente
49 de etaje de birouri
20 de miliarde de dolari – întregul complex Downtown Burj Dubai
175 camere – Hotel Armani
18 m/s – viteza lifturilor
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