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Taxa pe Internet Explorer 7

Un magazin online australian a inceput de la 13 iunie 2012 sa perceapa o taxa de 6.8% din valoarea cumparaturilor pentru oricine foloseste browserul Internet Explorer 7. Internet Explorer 7 este un browser produs de Microsoft, care exista pe piata incepand cu Octombrie 2006 (wikipedia).

The way we’ve been able to keep our prices so low is by using technology to make our business efficient and streamlined. One of the things stopping that is our web team having to spend a lot of time making our new website look normal on IE7. This is an extremely old browser, so from today, anyone buying from the site who uses IE7 will be lumped with a 6.8% surcharge – that’s 0.1% for each month IE7 has been on the market. New Internet Explorer 7 Tax 🙂

via Lifehacker Australia.

Google Glasses

Project Glass este un project Google care vizeaza crearea unui gadget mobil, conectat la internet, sub forma unor ochelari. Perspectivele sunt interesante, asa cum arata filmul de prezentare de mai jos:

Mai multe detalii despre proiect:

…si, bineinteles, au aparut si parodiile 🙂

Cum văd cei de la Microsoft viitorul


Doua comentarii:

In the future, everything will be expressible as graphs and charts. Also, no one will need to type anything anymore, but for some reason, Asians will have keyboards that do nothing. [youtube comment]

With an entire body at your command, do you seriously think the Future Of Interaction should be a single finger? #