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Inainte sa apara iPhone, Samsung se inspira de la BlackBerry:
Samsung was still Samsung back then, copying not only BlackBerry’s form factor but even its goddamn name.
In January 2007 Research In Motion, creators of the BlackBerry handhelds, filed suit in United States federal court claiming the BlackJack trademark was too similar to the BlackBerry mark. They alleged that Samsung had named their smartphone with a word beginning with “Black” just to mislead the customers that would come to the cellphone stores with the intention to purchase a BlackBerry
“It was about two and a half hours into the extravehicular activity,” said Bean. “I flipped the page over and there she was. I hopped over to where Pete was and showed him mine, and he showed me his.”
Cateva lucruri par clare: majoretele si telefoanele fixe acasa sunt intr-adevar pe cale de disparitie.
Dar nu sunt asa de sigur de: