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John Isner: un alt meci de tenis lung

Va mai amintiti cel mai lung meci de tenis din istorie?
Se intampla acum 2 ani (23 iunie 2010) în primul tur la Wimbledon, si ii avea ca protagonisti pe Nicolas Mahut vs John Isner.
John Isner a castigat cu 70-68 in setul decisiv 🙂

Ieri, in al doilea tur la Roland Garos, acelasi John Isner a fost din nou unul dintre protagonistii unui joc maraton, tot in compania unui francez – Paul-Henri Mathieu. De data asta a pierdut cu 18-16 in setul decisiv, dupa 5 ore si 41 de minute.

As the man who emerged victorious from “the endless match”, John Isner should have known a thing or two about winning Grand Slam marathons.
Just as in Wimbledon, there was a danger the match would not be completed in a single day with light fading fast over Roland Garros.
Isner: “I am just going to go home, I don’t want to think about tennis right now
Mathieu: “At the end of the match, I did not even believe I won the match. We played for more than five hours, and I thought it was not going to finish…
 – Eurosport: French Open – Déjà vu for Isner against Mathieu