Archives › weird
Nişte fete
5 coincidente
In 1996, Paris police set out to investigate a late night, high speed car crash;
both drivers had been killed instantly.
Investigations revealed that the deceased were in fact man and wife.
Police initially suspected some kind of murder or suicide pact but it became apparent
that the pair had been separated for several months – neither could have known that
the other would have been out driving that night – it was just a terrible coincidence.
10 animale care nu ştiai că există
4. Blobfish
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Un test simplu se poate face stând la birou. Testul piciorului drept:
Incearca asta! Este de la un chirurg ortoped. Iti va pune mintea in incurcatura
si vei continua sa incerci din nou si din nou…
1. In timp ce stai la birou in fata calculatorului, ridica piciorul drept de pe podea
si fa cu el cercuri in sensul acelor de ceasornic.
2. Acum, in timp ce faci asta, deseneaza cifra “6” in aer cu mana dreapta. Piciorul
isi va schimba sensul de rotatie.
Ai reusit?