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Happy Meal: rezistă 6 luni?

Vă amintiţi Cum se descompune mâncarea? În 2 săptămâni, mâncarea era descompusă.
Priviţi însă ce se întâmplă cu un Happy Meal după 6 luni:

La fel de bun ca în prima zi 🙂

Sally Davies bought a McDonald’s Happy Meal on April 26, 2010. She placed it on her coffee table, uncovered, and took photos every day for six months. This video shows the results, which are quite scary.
180 days—and she says there were no worms, mold, smell, or visible decomposition of any kind.
Update: McDonald’s has released an official reply to this experiment.

Watch Six Months of a Happy Meal’s Eternal Life.