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Catavencii au 3 metode prin care poți s-o ajuți pe Simona Halep. Una dintre ele e asta:
Desființează-le public pe toate adversarele Simonei – Toată lumea știe ce bagaboante nespălate sînt. În loc să-și găsească un bărbat și să se așeze și ele la casa lor, că au deja o vîrstă, stau toată ziua, bună ziua și se plimbă prin lume ca să dea cu racheta în minge și s-o obosească pe Simona a noastră, care și-așa e obosită ca vai de capul ei.
1.The poop factor. People tell you about it and you know it’s coming but you have no real appreciation for the sheer quantity or frequency with which these little machines can manufacture the stuff. It’s amazing. There were times with our little ones when we just put on a fresh diaper; we left the room only to have the smell “follow” us out. Turns out it’s not the smell that was following us … we were carrying the smell. When you find yourself saying: “No! It can’t be. I just changed him.” rest assured it can be.
2. There is no such thing as being cool. No matter how cool you think you are or how cool you were in high school, when you become a parent that all goes out the window. You will find you will do anything to make your crying baby stop when you’re in line at the grocery store. You’ll sing ABC’s, twinkle-twinkle little star, or old MacDonald in front of a crowd of strangers. You’ll snort like a pig, give raspberries, and speak in a really strange voice. Sometimes it’s fun and you can really get into it, other times it’s just downright embarrassing.
3. You will wonder if you’re a short order cook. In the first few years of parenthood so much of your time is spent in the kitchen it’s ridiculous. There’s cleaning bottles, sippy-cups, spoons, bowls, plates, and bibs. There’s preparing breakfast, midmorning snacks, lunch, mid-afternoon snacks, dinner, and bedtime snacks. Top all of this off with cleaning everything as you go throughout your day,and your kitchen can feel like home base for the first few years.
4. Sleep is for wussies. For every poop story you encounter there will likely be one warning you of the scarcity of sleep. I remember the first night our first son was here, that was a wakeup call. He was finally quiet for a 2 hour period and my husband and I both woke up, looked at each other and commented on how great it felt to get 2 hours of solid sleep. It was that night that we really got what it meant to be sleep deprived.
Citeşte continuarea: 8 Things People Never Tell You About Having Kids.
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1. Sa nu gandesti.
2. Daca gandesti, sa nu spui.
3. Daca spui, sa nu scrii.
4. Daca scrii, sa nu semnezi.
5. Daca semnezi, sa nu te miri.