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Un articol interesant despre fotografiile publicate de NASA dupa aselenizare:

In fact, if you’re hoping to use a picture of Armstrong on the moon tonight: Rots of Ruck to you. Armstrong and Aldrin only walked on the moon for about two-and-a-half hours that night in 1969. Most of the time, Armstrong carried the primary camera. Aldrin carried a camera but was assigned to shoot specific, technical things.
The result: Lots of pictures of Aldrin. But hardly any of Neil
In 9 ore si 25 minute:
Iata o simulare a ultimelor 7 minute inainte de touchdown:
Update, 6 august: A ajuns cu bine
Prima fotografie trimisa spre NASA:

Update, 7 august: Fotografie facuta in momentul coborarii de catre Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
via The Atlantic

Fotograf: Austin Kurtz

Mai mult
Dupa 31 de ani de folosire, a venit timpul sa fie expuse in muzee:
Discovery – va ajunge la Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum in Virginia
Endeavour – va ajunge in Los Angeles in 2013
Atlantis – va ramane in Florida, la Kennedy Space Center, pentru expozitie.

Fotografiile – The Atlantic: Decommissioning the Space Shuttles