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Noi candidaţi la premiile Darwin

1. Tâlharii care sună la bancă sa aducă bani, pentru ca vin sa o jefuiască! 🙂
Bank Robbers Call Ahead For The Money | Wacky Archives: Babes, Bizarre News, Daily WTF News, Offbeat News, Videos and Other Interesting News.

Look up “stupid” in the encyclopedia and you may find the pictures of two lawless idiots who just made the news for their brain-challenged actions.
A couple of Bridgeport, Connecticut would-be thieves evidently thought that the bank they planned to rob ought to give them curb-side service. A 27-year old and his underage accomplice gave a Fairfield People’s United Bank a ring-a-ding-ding to alert them that they were on their way and to be ready to hand them over a big ol’ bagful of bucks to run off with.
Not surprisingly, it wasn’t a smiling teller waiting for them in the parking lot with some loot, but some squad cars, ready to arrest and handcuff this pair of idiots.
Fortunately, most bad guys are also dumb.

2. Jefuitorii de bancă şi dedicaţiile de după

Luni, 24 mai 2010, 15:19
Doi talhari care au spart o banca in Arad si-au dat dedicatii in discoteca de la Moneasa, imediat dupa jaf, relateaza Aradonline.
Vazandu-se cu 15.000 de lei, cei doi talhari au ajuns direct la Moneasa de la banca pe care tocmai o jefuisera, semn ca au trecut prin filtrele Politiei fara nicio problema. Ajunsi in statiune, Florin Ion Stepan si Valcu Ciprian Valentin de 31 de ani s-au pus sa sarbatoreasca ”reusita” intr-o discoteca.
Momentul care i-a dat de gol a fost cel in care au inceput sa-si dea dedicatii unul altuia: ”Pentru cei mai tari spargatori de banci”, ”Pentru fratiorul meu, cel mai tare spargator de banci” etc. Dupa ce au revenit in Arad, politistii au descins la locuintele acestora.

3: If one generation doesn’t get it right, the next does.

(April 2010, Romania) A thirty-five-year-old man from Braila was only trying to fix a broken soil tamper, a tool his father had made himself and used for decades. The metal handle of this family heirloom had rusted loose and our man was trying to weld it back into position, but unfortunately he was welding the metal rod onto an antique WWII cannon shell.

Yes, the family had been banging a cannon shell against the garden dirt for two generations!

Câştigătorii premiului Darwin 2009

Darwin Awards se acorda anual “celor care fac cel mai mult pentru a imbunatati patrimoniul genetic… prin faptul ca parasesc ei insisi de bunavoie specia” (“Darwin Awards commemorate those who improve our gene pool… by removing themselves from it“).
Se acordă, întotdeauna, post-mortem 🙂

Locul 3
Pe locul trei s-a situat o femeie, Rosanne Tippett, care a trecut printr-o bariera a politiei si a cazut intr-un rau umflat de ploile torentiale. Femeia a fost salvata de politisti, insa a sarit inapoi in rau pentru a-si recupera motocicleta si s-a inecat.

Locul 2
Pe locul doi s-a clasat un american care se afla la volanul masinii sale, blocata in trafic, cand a simtit nevoia urgenta de a merge la toaleta. A coborat din masina si a sarit peste un zid de beton, in cautarea unui loc unde sa se usureze. Barbatul de 30 de ani nu a vazut insa ca se afla pe un pod si a cazut in gol de la 20 de metri.
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