E un sarpe in imagine
Daca nu, spoiler
Cine se trezeşte de dimineaţă râde mai bine
Daca nu, spoiler
Sau, ca sa folosim un titlu gen libertatea/cancan/sport.ro:
Acest VIDEO te va CUTREMURA: un elicopter sfideaza GRAVITATIA. Nu o sa iti vina sa crezi ca ASA CEVA ESTE REAL. VEZI AICI:
Explicatia – pe petapixel.com
Nu e Photoshop!
The two planes appear to be touching! The runways are 750 ft apart, so there is still plenty of room between them.
As an air traffic controller and a person who knows physics I have to explain sth. These two are at least 3 miles apart diagonally. Explanation:
1. It is not allowed to be less than that.
2. Angle at which this photo is taken is at least 45 deg and both a/c looks parallel.
All credits to the photographer for capturing the moment but these a/c are not as nearly close as you think.
Toată galeria: National Geographic’s Photography Contest 2010 – The Big Picture – Boston.com.