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ES8000 – Samsung Smart Interaction TVs – 2012

Televizoarele inteligente devin o prezenta din ce in ce mai familiara in living-room. Generatia 2012 de televizoare inteligente de la Samsung aduce cateva noutati care le diferentiaza de concurenta.
In primul rand, are voice control. Asta inseamna ca poti schimba canalul sau naviga prin meniu fara a mai pune mana pe butoane. Pentru a activa controlul vocal, trebuie sa spui ‘Hi TV!’.
In al doilea rand, are motion control: datorita camerei integrate, prin simple miscari ale mainii poti interactiona cu televizorul.
In al treilea rand, are face recognition – o caracteristica mai putin folositoare in folosirea zilnica a TV-ului. Recunoasterea faciala contribuie la autentificarea utilizatorilor televizorului.
Nu in ultimul rand, televizoarele vin cu o gama larga de aplicatii Samsung, un browser integrat, si o gramada de alte caracteristici mai mult sau mai putin folositoare. Printre acestea, tehnologia All Share permite conectarea laptopului, tabletei sau a smartphone-ului la TV. Pentru introducere text (de exemplu – scris adresa in browser), aveti posibilitatea de a folosi propriul smartphone (Android sau iOS) utilizand o aplicatie special creata (Samsung TV Remote).
Preturile televizoarelor la emag incep de la 7499 RON – modelul de 40 de inchi 40ES8000. Pe langa acesta, mai sunt variantele de 46′ si 55′.
Pagina producatorului:

Si un video review:

Google Glasses

Project Glass este un project Google care vizeaza crearea unui gadget mobil, conectat la internet, sub forma unor ochelari. Perspectivele sunt interesante, asa cum arata filmul de prezentare de mai jos:

Mai multe detalii despre proiect:

…si, bineinteles, au aparut si parodiile 🙂

Apple, 1987: Knowledge Navigator

In 1987, Apple a prezis aparitia unui device care sa functioneze pe post de asistent personal. L-au numit Knowledge Navigator, iar prezentarea lui e mai jos:


TechCrunch: Siri-ous Mind Blowing: Video Evidence Of Apple’s Prophetic Past — Circa 1987:
What’s even more mind blowing is that Apple predicted this technology more than a quarter century ago.
Apple’s “what if” exposition, which contains some late-’80s awesomeness, describes something called the “Knowledge Navigator” — a suped-up, tuxedo-ed personal assistant that users manipulate by way of voice and touch. According to the video, the personal assistant connects with all the major networks, features two-way videoconferencing, and helps you keep appointments, find, converge, and share documents — the works.

Basically, The Knowledge Navigator predicts touch technology, the iPad, iPhone, Skype, FaceTime — and Siri. All in one talking, well-dressed device. The savvy technologists among us may be well aware of the progenitors and technological precursors to these devices and services, but here we have very real confirmation that Siri (and Apple products as a whole) have been in gestation in the minds of Apple’s wizards since (at least) 1987.

And the best part? If I’m not mistaken, this “futuristic” video is set in the year of 2011 — there’s a mention of an article written in 2006 that was supposedly created five years in the past. Now, even for those cynics and naysayers among us, that’s pretty fantastic. Hold on to the top of your head. I guess Apple didn’t steal the idea for iOS from Android after all.

Lytro: focus *dupa* ce faci poza

Lytro: Shoot first, focus after.
Picture Gallery | Lytro.

Click pe zona din fotografie care doriti sa fie in focus:

This year, Lytro will debut the first light field camera for everyone. OK – you’re not everyone. You are a beautiful, unique snowflake. And you deserve an amazing camera that lets you capture life’s singular moments, like baby’s first steps not second, with maximum magic and minimum hassle. No more fighting with dials and settings and modes. No more flat, boring, static photographs. With a Lytro, you unleash the light.

Daca Apple ar vinde o camera foto, probabil asta ar fi una dintre caracteristici (iCam ?)